“Great Job!” Recognizing Team Member Accomplishments

Everybody likes to be appreciated and told they are doing a good job. But do you realize some people never get to hear ‘Great job!’ in their 9 to 5? It’s sad, really.

I remember a couple of years ago telling someone on my team that I was really proud of what she had accomplished in a short period of time, that she was doing a great job, and that I was proud of her. As I was telling her this I could see tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t cry, but she came very close to it. As I gave her a friendly, reassuring hug she confided, “No one has said that to me in a very long time.”

Sometimes it’s not about milestones. Smaller accomplishments need to be recognized as well.

Recently I began to include a recognition statement when I email my weekly schedule to my team. Here’s a real example of what I mean (names changed):

This week’s Team Member Recognition Award goes to Jane Doe and her team members, Jennifer Doe and Marlene Doe.

Friday night I had the privilege of assisting Jane and her team at a very busy table top health show. Together we spoke with about twenty people, provided a product experience for least half of them (with most acknowledging results in minutes), found five serious prospects, and received several invitations to participate in ADDITIONAL table top shows. Awesome! Great work ladies! Keep it up!!!

Needless to say, my words of encouragement were appreciated. But guess what else happened? A couple members of my team emailed me soon after, acknowledging Jane and her team’s accomplishment. They also informed me they too wanted to organize a local event to help build their business, and asked if I would be available to help them. My answer, of course: Yes!

Pretty cool, huh?

Why not implement a similar program for the members of your network marketing team. Your serious team builders will love it, your less active team members may become more motivated, and you’ll grow your team, your business and your income!

I’d say that’s a pretty good return on investment just for taking the time to write a few well-deserved words of praise.

Wouldn’t you agree?

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